Have you noticed various news channels and almost all web resources use a lot of transliterated words from the English language to Hindi? In fact, if you are not conversant with Hindi, so much so that you can translate yourself, but are dependent on Google Translate, you will notice the suggestions offered by machine translations also carry a lot of these transliterated words. And what’s the issue?
Let’s have a look:
The word ‘national’ can be very easily translated to ‘राष्ट्रीय’. However, the transliteration offered for this word is नेशनल, which carries a distorted pronunciation. Like this, you will get maybe hundreds of words that feel distorted in the transliteration. Why not use नैशनल?
Take for example the word ‘test’. It is often put as टेस्ट. Now, if you want to write ‘taste’, what would you write? It is better to write ‘test’ as परीक्षा or टैस्ट if you have to transliterate it anyways.
And the problem is getting compounded now because this issue in transliteration has been standardized by a number of software that suggest and make the words transliterated otherwise wrong.

The above screenshot if from my own computer while using PowerPoint 365.
I strongly feel we should either use the translated words or use the transliterated words that at least have the correct pronunciation.
What say you?
Please, do share your opinion.