What is English of ‘Mangetar’
If you are searching for the English of Mangetar, chances are that either you got engaged or somebody from your family or friend-circle got engaged recently.
For somebody very young and connected, this is a very emotional word and means a lot personally.
Moreover, if you yourself got engaged somebody, you are also the ‘Mangetar’ of his or her. So, it is kind of very curiously interesting as to what this word means in English.
Well, this Hindi word is a neuter and can be used for male and female; however, in English, there are different words for groom-to-be and bride-to-be.
We are providing English word for both male and female version of Mangetar in English.
Mangetar | Male | मङ्गेतर | Fiancé (Fiance) |
Mangetar | Female | मङ्गेतर | Fiancée (Fiancee) |