Fault in Hindi writing on the battery of Motorola’s Moto G phone

Moto G phone is not as exciting as it sounds

I recently bought Motorola’s much talked about phone Moto G. It had great reviews and all the qualities that I wanted to have. So, I bought it from Flipkart.

Motorola's Moto G

When the phone arrived, I opened its back lid to insert my SIM cards (it is a dual sim phone) and found out that the battery can’t be removed by the user. However, this message is not written anywhere else but on the battery itself. What was surprising is that there was a message in Hindi language. Now this got me curious.

Motorola's Moto G


If you can read the message (the above photos are taken with Nikon D3100 camera 18-55mm lens), you will notice that the text is broken. This is so awful to look as a company like Motorola–and for that matter Google–approved something like this. This is a font issue and should have been handled before it got printed on the batteries and sent to the consumers.

Hindi language is so beautiful in its script and to read something like this was very sad.

Overall, Moto G is very fast in operation but I would still prefer Nokia Lumia series because its internet sharing (wifi hotspot) capabilities is unmatched. I have tried Micromax’s Bolt A40 too but nothing matches Nokia Lumia 520.

Moto G is not so exciting as it sounded on the internet.

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