How to say may I help you in Hindi

May I help you in Hindi It is pretty simple and easy to understand how to say may I help you in Hindi. Unlike other Hindi phrases…

How to say thank you and you are welcome in Hindi

Thank you and you are welcome in Hindi While learning how to say thank you and you are welcome in Hindi, please note that in general conversational…

अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य-भेद

अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य आठ प्रकार के होते हैं। जो निम्नलिखित हैं- विधिवाचक – जिस वाक्य में किसी कार्य का करना या होना सामान्य रूप से…

How to say what time is it in Hindi

How to say what time is it in Hindi While learning how to say what time is it in Hindi, notice that a lot of people in…

How to say what is wrong in Hindi

How to say what is wrong in Hindi You need to understand that while learning how to say what is wrong in Hindi, you might be using…

What is This in Hindi | How to say what is this in Hindi

We often as about various things, items or even an event that has occurred by saying what is this in Hindi or even in any other language….

How to say what is your name in Hindi

How to say what is your name in Hindi While learning how to say what is your name in Hindi, you need to take care of the…

How to say see you again in Hindi

How to say see you again in Hindi While learning how to say see you again in Hindi, just take care of the fact that contextually we…

हिन्दी सीखें–वाक्य (Sentence in Hindi)

हिन्दी सीखें–वाक्य (Sentence in Hindi) जिस शब्द या शब्द-समूह से अर्थ पूर्ण बात समझ आ जाये, उसे वाक्य कहा जाता है। जैसे – वह सो रहा है।…

How to say see you soon in Hindi

How to say see you soon in Hindi While learning how to say see you soon in Hindi, we need to take care that there are two…

How to say words in Hindi

How to say words in Hindi While learning how to say words and phrases in Hindi, take care of the age, authority, gender, and stature of the…

How to say mother and father in Hindi

How to say mother and father in Hindi Understanding how to say mother and father in Hindi is not difficult but you must understand the people in…

How to say mother in law in Hindi

How to say mother in law in Hindi Well, if you are married and want to say ‘mother in law’ and address her, you can use the…

How to say mother in Hindi

How to say mother in Hindi Well, there is not a single word that is used by all people who speak Hindi for mother. A lot of…

हिन्दी भाषा सीखें–विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय (Kinds of Hindi Interjections)

विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय (Kinds of Hindi Interjections) विस्मयसूचक – वाक्य में विस्मय (आश्चर्य) के भाव का प्रकट होना। जैसे –1. अरे ! कहाँ से आ रहे हो ?2….

How to say I love you in Hindi to a girl

How to say I love you in Hindi to a girl While learning how to say I love you in Hindi to a girl, just make sure…

हिन्दी भाषा सीखें–विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय (Hindi Interjection)

जिस अव्यय से हर्ष, घृणा, आश्चर्य, शोक, दुःख, करुणा आदि भावों का प्रकट होना प्रतीत हो उसे विस्मयादिबोधक अव्यय कहा जाता है। जैसे – वाह! मिठाई स्वादिष्ट…

How to say I want to go in Hindi

How to say I want to go in Hindi While learning how to say I want to go in Hindi, make sure you know there could be…

How to say I want to sleep in Hindi

How to say I want to sleep in Hindi While learning how to say I want to sleep in Hindi, you need to take care that present…

How do you say numbers in Hindi

How do you say numbers in Hindi: From 1 to 10 Well, it’s pretty easy to learn how to say numbers in Hindi. However, you need to…