Similar Words in English and Hindi–5

Here is the next series of similar words in English and Hindi that have somewhat similar pronunciation and can be easily called cognate words in these two languages. Many of these words are also similar in other Indian languages and can be traced to some European languages also with a bit of twist in their sound.

Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions and what more we can do for these.

Mix मिश्र
Mixed मिश्रित
Mixer मिश्रक
Mixture मिश्रण
Man मनुष्य
Interior आन्तर
Interim अन्तरं
Minister मन्त्री
Character चारित्र
Name नाम
Nose नसा
Foot पद
Date तिथि
Sixty षष्ठि
Chariot चक्रयान
Vehicle वाहन
Circle चक्र
Cycle चक्र
Centre केन्द्र
Cent शत
Divine दिव्य

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