How to Write Half Consonants in Hindi

Write half letters in Hindi using Mangal

If you are using the Mangal Font for writing Hindi, you might have to learn how to use the half letters that are often used in Hindi writing. It is not that all difficult to make half letters in Mangal font, as it has been provided automatically. You just have to press one key after the letter you want to make half.

When you want to make a half consonant, you need to press that consonant and after that, you have to press the “D” key on your keyword. It will take the “अ” sound of that consonant and will put the “Halant” at its foot. Once you type the next consonant, the consonant previous to it will be converted to half.

The position of these half consonants is beautifully defined in Mangal Font; however, it does not give an aesthetic look while you use it for Sanskrit because in Sanskrit, there is so much of shortening of space while writing letters. So it should be used only for Hindi.

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This Post Has 41 Comments

  1. @raj
    Raj, if you are using Mangal font, after pressing “Shift+ H” key, you need to press “D” key and after that the next letter that you want to type. It would give you half “F”.

    I hope this helps.

    1. I hope you get it from the articles as how to do it. If you want some specific words, I will be happy to help.

    1. Hi Rahul,

      You can write Harsh in Mangal font like this: हर्ष

      Keys to be used: U+J+D+(shift+<) Let me know if you are able to do it.

  2. Sir i have a xml like that

    Final String :२४२०१०२०५१३-अगस्त-१८13-MAR-18महीना</Nxtduedate_lang
    after this string i have it converted to bytes then print in to pdf

    when i print this pdf अगस्त character it shows full SA character then TA character
    first it shows full SA then halant then TA i want half sa character then looks in xml how could i do it
    i m using mangal font

  3. sir I m going to give upp co typing test . It is said that 5 keystrokes=1word. so my questions is that is space keystroke also count …….

    1. I don’t know about that, Rajesh. I am sorry but know nothing about typing as a profession. Please consult a local typist or somebody who knows about it. Thanks!

  4. How Can i Type ‘Vishma’ in hindi on Mah Pc-Kyeboard?
    i mean In VIshma
    SHA is HALF so How can i Type?

    1. If you are talking about this विषम, then there is no half letter. You can type this with these keys:


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