How to say what is your name in Hindi
While learning how to say what is your name in Hindi, you need to take care of the object ‘you’, which could take three forms in Hindi. I have tried to give all three instances, where the Hindi expression for ‘you’ will change according to the age, superiority, authority, intimacy, and comfort level with the person who is asking this question.
Case I
This case will be used when you are addressing a person who is elder or senior to you. You may also use this for formal meetings and also if you want to show respect to a person who actually might be younger to you.

Case II
This is the case when you are asking a person who is either your age or younger to you. However, it sounds very informal and is replaced by another case, which is quite common in use.

Case III
This case is commonly used in stead of case II, which sounds very informal and sometimes disrespectful also. This Hindi expression can be used for peers, colleagues, people younger in age and also unknown people whom you are address for the very first time.