How to convert Kruti Dev 10 font to Unicode (Mangal)

Writing in Hindi font is not easy for lots of people–they find it difficult to have a Hindi keyboard and type in the font that is visible in all the browsers of the world. Mangal font is the one that works on internet for Hindi. However, sadly, Mangal font is not that attractive to eyes when it comes to eyes. So, for printing and PDF needs, a lot of people and organizations use Kruti Dev 10 (कृतिदेव 10) font.

So, how to solve the problem when you have to use the same text for internet purposes? Will you by typing again in Mangal font or will you be using transliteration services provided by Google or Yahoo?

Luckily, there is another option available for this.

Convert Kruti Dev 10 font to Unicode (Mangal)

Step 1: Go to this site:

Hind Font

Step 2: Paste your Kruti Dev 10 content copied from PDF or any other source. Obviously, on net, this won’t be readable.

Hindi Kruti Dev 10 font

Step 3: Press convert to unicode

Step 4: You get the unicode rendering of the text and this is usable for all the internet and online purposes. So, it eliminates the need of typing Hindi again or using transliteration services.

Converted to Univode Hindi


Of course, as you can easily guess that this conversion would not be 100% correct and there would some words un-converted altogether. But still, it is a very good option.

Else, you should just try to type in Mangal font.

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