Hindi Names of Months

List of Hindi names of months of a year from English–मास

Here is a list of Hindi names of months from English. We will love to hear from you if you would like to provide you feedback in making these tutorials more interesting or better.

English Month Hindi Months Loose Hindi pronunciation Phonetic Representation
March/April चैत्र Chaitra Caitra
April/May वैशाख Vaishakha Vaiśākha
May/June ज्येष्ठ Jyeshtha Jyeṣṭha
June/July आषाढ Aashadha Āṣāḍha
July/August श्रावण Shravana Śrāvaṇa
August/September भद्रपद Bhadrapada Bhadrapada
September/October अश्विन Ashwina Aśvina
October/November कार्तिक Kartika Kārtika
November/December मार्गशीर्ष Margashirsha Mārgaśīrṣa
December/January पौष Pousha Pouṣa
January/February माघ Magha Māgha
February/March फाल्गुन Falguna Phālguna

It is very interesting to know that nowadays, the young generation is losing the touch with the original names and is more inclined to use the English names of months only. Very few people below the age of 35 would know these names of months in Hindi! 🙂

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This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. i found the names of months in hindi but can’t read anything coz they r written in very small letters

  2. Well it’s quite helpful for school asignments but the hindi fonts are not available in every PC.

  3. Sunday-Raviwar

  4. english me week ka first day sunday hota hai or hindi me week ka first day monday se start hota hai aisa kyu………..?

    Plz. tell me quickly.

    Thanks & Regards
    Sandeep Khatri

  5. I like this site but i request u 2 give the hindi name of months datewise i.e. when it start & when it ends so that we could find hindi name of months easily by datewise.

  6. thank god i will be able to do my home work correctly and learn these words to get good marks. mam did’nt teach us these words!!!!!!!!

  7. tAnk GOD I WIlL Be ABle To do My HOME correctly ANd aBLe tO learn THis WOrDs …… And ThanK 4 this help!!!!!!!

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