7 Days name in Hindi

Below are the week days names in Hindi and English. If you are looking for names of week days in the Hindi language from English, this list will help you.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please write to us through the comment section.

Days Names in Hindi and English

Week days names in EnglishWeek days name in HindiPronunciation
Tuesday मंगलवारMangalvar
Thursdayवीरवार, बृहस्पतिवारVeervar, Brihaspativar

Dino ke naam Hindi mein, Saptah ke dino ke naam Hindi mein, Hafte ke dino ke naam Hindi mein

दिनों के नाम हिंदी में, सप्ताह के दिनों के नाम हिंदी में, हफ्ते के दिनों के नाम हिंदी में

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. shailja didi bahut acha website hai mujhe sach me is website ne help kiya kyun mujhe sirf english ala hi atta tha ab hindi wala bhi ata hai app is website ko bharte rahiye ye website bahut acha bnjaega congratulations didi ??????????????

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